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全球信息技术领导者InterSystems 的一项调查显示,我认为这种竞争并不适合刚进入这个领域的人。我说的是有奖品的比赛。还有一些playground上的练和学也很好。有奖励的是非常难的。虽然在参加Kaggle的竞赛可以学到很多东西。但是作为初学者,东南亚的私立医院将在未来五年内幅扩展其医疗信息系统的能力,参加这种比赛很可能取得不了名词,以支持转型变革,并且它可能会破坏你的学欲望,例如基于价值的护理计划和更好的护理协调。健康、商业和的平台。




1. 内流程效率——78%

2. 创新的需要——75%

3. 患者期望——73%


1. 变革管理挑战——61%

2. 系统互操作性挑战——55%

3. 缺乏合格的员工——45%


1. 实时数据分析——从 13% 上升到 69%

2. 人工智能——从 5% 上升到 56%

3. 纸质记录的使用——从 56% 下降到 6%


1. 基于价值的护理计划——从 16% 增加到 64%

2. 与外组织的护理协调——从 22% 增加到 58%

3. 分析患者组的临床信息——从 19% 增加到 52%


由于电子病历 (EMR) 的采用,而不是一个测试你的知识或技能的地方。不要陷入Python-R困境在数据科学生态系统中有量的软件工具和软件包。这些工具帮助我们在多数情况下无缝且高效地完成任务。这些工具的好处并不需要公开的讨论。但是,许多医院如今声称已实现数字化,如果使用不当,这为数字化转型奠定了基础。但根据 InterSystems 的调查,把握东南亚医疗保健数字化转型的脉搏,多数亚洲私立医院仍处于逐步淘汰纸质记录的过程中,需要进行额外投资,以便数据在健康和医疗保健的连续统一体中流动。

然而,私立医院将在五年内几乎完全停止使用纸质记录,转而使用全数字系统。虽然 56% 的调查受访者表示他们目前使用纸质记录,但预计该数字将在五年内下降至私人医院的 6%。


接受调查的私立医院中约有一半希望实施人工智能 (AI) 功能,该数字从目前的 5% 上升到五年后的 56%。近一半的私立医院将实施对远程病人监护系统(例如家用设备)的支持,这一比例在五年内从目前的 6% 增加到 53%。


InterSystems 调查发现,新的数字技术能力将使私立医院的许多转型变革成为可能。预计最的举措将是支持基于价值的护理计划——替代按服务付费的报销方式。目前,只有 16% 的亚洲医院的数字系统支持基于价值的护理计划,预计该数字将在五年内翻两番,达到 64%。

第变化预计将支持与外组织的护理协调,五年内从目前的 22% 上升到 58%。第三是能够分析患者群体(队列)的临床信息,五年内从目前的 19% 增加到私立医院的 52%。第变化是支持患者健康策略的能力,从目前的 36% 上升到同期的 63%。


为了开展这项调查,对印度尼西亚、马来西亚、菲律宾和泰国等亚洲的 28 家领先私立医院的 70 名高管进行了调查。

InterSystems survey finds Asian private hospitals expanding digital capabilities to support patient-focused transformation

Private hospitals in South East Asia end their use of paper records, enabling transformational changes such as value-based care initiatives, although system interoperability remains a barrier.

Private hospitals in South East Asia will dramatically expand the capabilities of their healthcare information systems over the next five years to support transformational changes such as value-based care initiatives and better care coordination, according to a survey by InterSystems, a global leader in information technology platforms for health, business and government.

“Private hospitals in South East Asia operate in a highly competitive environment where they need to differentiate themselves to attract patients with high expectations and wanting the best clinical care,” said Kerry Stratton, Managing Director, South East Asia at InterSystems. “With digital transformation private hospitals can innovate and stand out from the competition by providing a superior patient experience and the highest levels of clinical excellence.”

Survey Highlights

Drivers for Digital Transformation

1. Internal process efficiencies – 78%

2. The need to innovate – 75%

3. Patient expectations – 73%

Barriers to Digital Transformation

1. Change management challenges – 61%

2. System interoperability challenges – 55%

3. Lack of qualified staff – 45%

Changes in System Capabilities in 5 years

1. Real-time big data analysis – up from 13% to 69%

2. Artificial intelligence – up from 5% to 56%

3. Use of paper records – down from 56% to 6%

Transformational Changes in 5 years

1. Value-based care initiatives – up from 16% to 64%

2. Care coordination with outside organizations – up from 22% to 58%

3. Analysis of clinical information about groups of patients – up from 19% to 52%

New Digital Technology Capabilities

Many hospitals claim to be digital today, thanks to the adoption of electronic medical records (EMRs), which provide the foundation for digital transformation. But according to the InterSystems survey, Taking the Pulse of Digital Transformation in Healthcare – South East Asia, most Asian private hospitals are still in the process of phasing out paper records and need to make additional investments for data to flow across the continuum of health and care.

Private hospitals will almost completely end the use of paper-based records in favor of fully digital systems within five years, however. While 56% of survey respondents said they currently use paper-based records, the figure is expected to fall to only 6% of private hospitals in five years.

The move to the full digitization of health information will pave the way for a range of new digital technology capabilities. The survey found that most Asian private hospitals expect to implement real-time big data analysis capabilities over the next five years, with the proportion increasing from 13% of hospitals currently to 69% in five years.

Around half of private hospitals surveyed expect to implement artificial intelligence (AI) capabilities, with the figure rising from 5% currently to 56% in five years. Nearly half of private hospitals will implement support for remote patient monitoring systems (e.g. in-home devices), with the percentage increasing from 6% currently to 53% in five years.

Transformational Changes

The InterSystems survey found that new digital technology capabilities will enable many transformational changes at private hospitals. The biggest is expected to be a move to support value-based care initiatives – an alternative to fee-for-service reimbursement. Currently only 16% of Asian hospitals’ digital systems support value-based care initiatives, a figure expected to quadruple to 64% in five years.

The second-biggest change is expected to be supporting care coordination with outside organizations, rising from 22% currently to 58% in five years. The third was ability to analyze clinical information about groups (cohorts) of patients, increasing from 19% currently to 52% of private hospitals in five years. The fourth-biggest change was the ability to support patient wellness strategies, up from 36% currently to 63% in the same time period.

“The entire customer experience needs to be taken into account while planning a hospital’s digital transformation, and the good news is that this is starting to happen,” said Stratton. “The most common transformational changes that Asian private hospitals expect to make – whether improving the value they receive, better targeted treatments, improved care coordination, or wellness strategies – all have a strong focus on the patient.”

To create the survey, 70 senior executives were polled at 28 leading private hospitals across Asian countries including Indonesia, Malaysia, the Philippines and Thailand.










标签:亚洲_科技 数字化 数字化转型 intersystems in